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Government is not business
Chris Corrigan, Feb 23, 2025...
Center for Digital Thriving
Emily Weinstein, et al., Harvard, Feb 23, 2025...
New Tools. Old Complaints. Why AI Won't Kill Education or Fix...
Vicki Davis, Cool Cat Teacher Blog, Feb 23, 2025...
Pluralistic: Pluralistic is five (19 Feb 2025) – Pluralistic:...
Cory Doctorow, Pluralistic, Feb 23, 2025...
America Needs a Working-Class Media
Alissa Quart, Columbia Journalism Review, Feb 23,...
The Costs of AI in Education
Marc Watkins, Rhetorica, Feb 23, 2025...
Suffering is Real. AI Consciousness is Not.
David McNeill, Emily Tucker, Tech Policy Press, Feb...
Automated Contempt
Audrey Watters, Second Breakfast, Feb 23, 2025...
Grappa-Ling With Mark Carney (1)
Stephen Downes, Half an Hour, Feb 23, 2025 I've...

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Benefits Of E-Learning Benchmarks: Australian
Case Studies illustrate ways in which Vocational Education... http://www.e jel.org/Volume-5/v5-i1/Cho y.pdf
uehlers - 25. May, 19:05
Qualität im E-Learning: Wichtig, aber selten berücksichtigt
Qualität spielt sowohl für E-Learning-Produzenten als auch für Anwender eine große Rolle, doch dieser Anspruch wird von ihnen nur selten in die Tat umgesetzt. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt die europäische Studie „Qualität im E-Learning“ der Universität Duisburg-Essen...
uehlers - 1. May, 07:10
Stuide "Qualität im E-learning in Europa" gibt Aufschluss
... über die Nutzung und die verbreitung von Qualitätsstrategien. http ://cms.eun.org/shared/data /pdf/qualitaet_im_e-learni ng_panorama_dt.pdf
uehlers - 1. May, 06:54
Survey on the State of eLearning in Europe
Brussels (BE), March 2007 – The Helios project is looking for participants for a free online survey. The specific subject of this survey is the relationship between eLearning and innovation of learning systems, with specific regards to formal education....
uehlers - 16. Apr, 14:05
Aktuelle Studie über innovative Tendenzen in Theorie und Praxis im Bereich der Schulbildung in der EU
Eine aktuelle Studie identifiziert die innovativen Tendenzen in Theorie und Praxis neuer Lernumgebungen im Bereich der Schulbildung in der gesamten Europäischen Union. http://www.elearningeurop a.info/index.php?page=doc& doc_id=5947&doclng=3
ferdi - 4. Aug, 20:01
Seven Steps to Sustainability Pragmatic help from Kineo and ASTD Brighton, June 2006 – If you build it, will they stay? Much eLearning is built quickly these days, but is it built to last, or does it wither on the vine? Kineo explains how to ensure...
Seven Steps to Sustainability Pragmatic help from Kineo and ASTD Brighton, June 2006 – If you build it, will they stay? Much eLearning is built quickly these days, but is it built to last, or does it wither on the vine? Kineo explains how to ensure...
ferdi - 30. Jun, 08:54
Was will der eLearner 2006?
Modulare Häppchen, Wissenskontrolle, Simulation... Eschborn, Juni 2006 – Studien und Befragungen zum Thema eLearning gibt es viele. Welches Potenzial bietet der Markt? Welche Entwicklungen wird es geben? Welche Methode bringt den größten Nutzen? Bei...
ferdi - 23. Jun, 13:15
Appropriate Efforts
German Development Cooperation provides answers Berlin, April 2006 – (by InWEnt/gtz/DED) Among all continents, Africa has the highest percentage of people living in absolute poverty and infected with HIV. Education and knowledge play a crucial role...
ferdi - 27. Apr, 08:22
One of a Number of Possible First Steps
Bringing the Internet to primary and secondary schools Kampala, April 2006 – The object of Mission Mobile Education's Uganda Connect project is the advancement of public education in the country by using Information and Computer Technology (ICT) for...
ferdi - 27. Apr, 08:06
SCIL Studie - Herausforderungen für das Bildungsmanagement
http://www.global-learning .de/g-learn/grafik/scil_lo go.gif Das Swiss Centre for Innovations in Learning (SCIL), angesiedelt an der Universität St.Gallen (Schweiz), unterstützt seit zwei Jahren Unternehmen, Hochschulen und andere Bildungsinstitutionen...
ferdi - 1. Feb, 11:05

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