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Government is not business
Chris Corrigan, Feb 23, 2025...
Center for Digital Thriving
Emily Weinstein, et al., Harvard, Feb 23, 2025...
New Tools. Old Complaints. Why AI Won't Kill Education or Fix...
Vicki Davis, Cool Cat Teacher Blog, Feb 23, 2025...
Pluralistic: Pluralistic is five (19 Feb 2025) – Pluralistic:...
Cory Doctorow, Pluralistic, Feb 23, 2025...
America Needs a Working-Class Media
Alissa Quart, Columbia Journalism Review, Feb 23,...
The Costs of AI in Education
Marc Watkins, Rhetorica, Feb 23, 2025...
Suffering is Real. AI Consciousness is Not.
David McNeill, Emily Tucker, Tech Policy Press, Feb...
Automated Contempt
Audrey Watters, Second Breakfast, Feb 23, 2025...
Grappa-Ling With Mark Carney (1)
Stephen Downes, Half an Hour, Feb 23, 2025 I've...

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Papers & Readings

ICT in Higher Education
Excellent Article about ICT policies for Higher education, context is South Africa, but article takes into account international development and viewpoints. Highly Recommende: http://www.palgrave-journa ls.com/hep/journal/v20/n1/ full/8300144a.html
uehlers - 21. Sep, 17:48
E-Assessment! (in 2016)
Cool article, showing a scenario between 2006 and 2016. http://forschung.pru efung.net/?p=131
uehlers - 21. Sep, 17:11
How can young people serve as change agents towards the use of ICT in education... (Interesting Articel)
Issues Paper: Youth and ICT as Agents of Change This paper presents a review of information in key areas of youth development pertinent to the Forum. Unlike previous generations of youth who lived in ideological, cultural and social isolation, the youth...
uehlers - 19. Sep, 09:13
USA - National Standards of Quality for Online Courses are released
WASHINGTON - September 13, the North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL) released a new publication, National Standards of Quality for Online Courses. The standards selected are based on the results of a research review and survey of online...
uehlers - 18. Sep, 06:30
Impact of Globalization on Accreditation and Quality Management of Open and Distance Learning Institutions
taken from: http://pppjj.usm.my/mjde/p age%20sub2007-1(6).html A bstract The term ‘globalisation’ has become very common now and it is a very generic term and can be defined in a number of ways depending upon the circumstance. Globalization pertaining...
uehlers - 28. Aug, 13:52
The Least Developed Countries Report, 2007: knowledge, technological learning and innovation for development
The Least Developed Countries Report, 2007: knowledge, technological learning and innovation for development Can technology and innovation promote development in LDCs? The Report suggests that national governments and development partners could meet...
uehlers - 17. Aug, 13:05
Anti-poverty targets in Africa will not be met, UN warns
Anti-poverty targets in Africa will not be met, UN warns · Millennium goals within reach for much of world · Unsafe water undermines educational reforms Recommende reading: http://business.guardian.c o.uk/story/0,,2116107,00.h tml
uehlers - 12. Aug, 19:47
NEW ::: OECD Study: Open Educational Resources
The OECD has released a new study about open Educational resourses: Definition, Actors, Quality. Even the sustainability issues is touched. great! http://213.253.134 .43/oecd/pdfs/browseit/960 7041E.pdf
uehlers - 27. Jun, 14:25
An global overview on accreditation and quality matters for Higher Education
Two interesting report on quality for HE and Online Education: 1. Written by the Australian Agency for Accreditation, the global report gives interesting insight into the state-of-the-art of accreditation and quality for Higher education, esp. in the...
uehlers - 27. Jun, 14:20
A Reflection Learning Cycle
Since quite some time I am now thinking about how a learning cycle should look like which engages students into reflective pratices, lets them define their problems and questions themselves and turns learning into project work. I found it today - have...
uehlers - 22. Jun, 08:55

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