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Government is not business
Chris Corrigan, Feb 23, 2025...
Center for Digital Thriving
Emily Weinstein, et al., Harvard, Feb 23, 2025...
New Tools. Old Complaints. Why AI Won't Kill Education or Fix...
Vicki Davis, Cool Cat Teacher Blog, Feb 23, 2025...
Pluralistic: Pluralistic is five (19 Feb 2025) – Pluralistic:...
Cory Doctorow, Pluralistic, Feb 23, 2025...
America Needs a Working-Class Media
Alissa Quart, Columbia Journalism Review, Feb 23,...
The Costs of AI in Education
Marc Watkins, Rhetorica, Feb 23, 2025...
Suffering is Real. AI Consciousness is Not.
David McNeill, Emily Tucker, Tech Policy Press, Feb...
Automated Contempt
Audrey Watters, Second Breakfast, Feb 23, 2025...
Grappa-Ling With Mark Carney (1)
Stephen Downes, Half an Hour, Feb 23, 2025 I've...

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SEVAQ Conference in Brussels (24-09-2007)
Today I was invited to give a keynote presentation in an international workshop in Brussels. The workshop was organised by the SEVAQ Project to present and discuss their final results. It was impressive to see the product which the project developped....
uehlers - 2. Oct, 21:14
WINDS Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2-10-2007)
Today I gave a presentation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where we organised a regional research conference in the frame ofthe WINDS-LA project which I am currently working on. The conference has the aim to disseminate the opportunities of the European...
uehlers - 2. Oct, 21:09
Villach: Keynote and IELA (SEPT 24-27, 2007)
I was invited to give a keynote in Vilach at the ICL 2007 Conference. I talked about innovation management, learning and quality: "Competencies for Achieving high Quality in E-Learning". Which professional competencies do we need to teach and learn in...
uehlers - 2. Oct, 18:37
Keynote in Vilach @ ICL2007
This year is quite Austrian... :-) Very nice, since I like the mountains! In SEPT 07 I will be holding a keynote presentation at the 10th International Conference on Interactive Computer-Aided Learning (ICL2007) in Villach, Austria. The Conference on...
uehlers - 31. May, 17:30
Workshop Moderation in Innsbruck (Austria) @ Microlearning 2007
I was asked to take over a workshop moderation for an interactive - Learning Cafe type of - workshop at this years Conference on Microcontents: Microlearning.org in Innsbruck. I look forward to discussing the concept of Quality and Evaluation for Microcontent...
uehlers - 31. May, 17:28
Capacity Development for eLearning
Education and knowledge are the key factors driving national economic and social development. Broad-scale citizens’ participation in education processes is therefore crucial for sustainable poverty reduction. In the majority of developing countries, however,...
uehlers - 17. May, 17:21
First International Conference on Key Competencies
London (UK), April 2007 – Another summer event organized by the EIfEL association is the First International Conference on Key Competencies: Skills for Life 2007. It will take place at the City University in London on 12-13 July 2007. Registration and...
uehlers - 10. May, 12:03
EDEN Conference in Naples
On June 13th we will organise a pre conference workshop at the EDEN conference in Naples to explore the European field of quality awards and marks further. More info you find on http://www.qualityfoundati on.org
uehlers - 9. May, 09:00
Successful Strategies for Implementing ICT in Schools
Nairobi (KEN), May 2007 - James Kiarie is Senior Quality Assurance and Standards Officer at the Ministry of Education, Kenya. He is involved in various projects on computer use in school. At the eLearning Africa conference, he will present his findings...
uehlers - 8. May, 13:41
Learning Visions: Capacity Development for eLearning
Together with INWENT, Learning Visoions, the European Institut for Education, Training and Competence organises a workshop on enabling teacher to organise online courses Education and knowledge are the key factors driving national economic and social...
uehlers - 8. May, 12:25

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